World Book Day

Read about how we celebrated World Book Day at school!
On Thursday this week we had an amazing day, celebrating reading across the school as part of World Book Day. The day started with a special assembly, lead by Mrs Elliott and Mrs Clyne. The children all attended in a fine array of book character costumes and snuggly reading wear and enjoyed listening about the importance of the day...amongst all days for promoting reading! The costumes were cleverly created and we celebrated a winner for each year group, who received a book token as a prize. We had a number of rounds of ‘The Masked Reader’, where children had to guess the identity of the mystery reader on screen before they were dramatically revealed. Children each received a £1 book token that they can redeem in book shops and also took part in an online poetry reading session with Michael Rosen. Quizzes and other reading activities throughout the day ensued and I hope the children came home having enjoyed their day. I was really proud of them so well done mums and dads for your hard work too! Thank you to everyone who made it such a success and especially to Mrs Clyne and Mrs Elliott for coordinating the shenanigans at school!