Sculpture Club
Sculpture club’s fossils finally unearthed…
Sculpture club’s fossils finally unearthed…
Engineer comes to visit!
Stokenchurch Primary School dressed to impress for World Book Day on Thursday!
BBC 500 Words finalist from Stokenchurch Primary School!
On Tuesday, we celebrated Safer Internet Day with our Computing Curriculum Day. Children across the school completed various online safety activities from understanding how companies use persuasive tools to attract consumers, to comparing the internet to a magic window and imagining what we would like to see. Across the school, children have been learning key messages like 'telling a grown-up if something bad happens online' and to 'decline friend requests to strangers'. In addition, pupils developed their Computational thinking skills, taking part in 'barefoot' (device-free) activities such as using binary to draw pixels to create images or giving instructions to build Lego without being able to see the steps visually. For parents/carers, there are lots of helpful tips and advice for keeping your children safe online at UK Safer Internet Centre.
Year 5 popped outside to read each other their character descriptions from Odd and the Frost Giants. Hearing their written words really helps with editing! The children are hooked.
We’ve enjoyed more workshops about road safety from Hazard Alley this week. Bespoke to Stokenchurch Primary School and part funded by Stokenchurch PTA. Every child will take part!
Y3 are diving into the Egyptians this term and were clearly enthralled with the mummification of…tomatoes!
Check out our puppet creations!
Welcome to our new website! Click for more details.